It’s Valentine’s Day…Let’s get real about self-love and care
For some, Valentine’s Day is this cute holiday full of candy and hearts, and going on dates. For all it should be a day to tell people you love them. However, I challenge you to use this day as a reminder, to also love yourself.
Even though spring feels like it’s on the horizon, we are still in the bleak of winter. Perhaps we haven’t seen the sun as much, we haven’t gone out and moved around or we haven’t consumed any fresh food. I know I’ve fallen in all those categories, while also dealing with some personal life challenges. I need this reminder more than anyone, but I also wanted to share it with you dear reader.
Self-love is so important. Taking care of yourself is so important. Stretch and get up and moving in any way you can. What is it you’re really craving to eat? Journal, prioritize creativity, make your bed. Take those little steps to health and soon you’ll realize you’ve climbed a mountain. It’s not easy but it’s so important. And most of all ask yourself, what are you called to do in this life, in this moment? Spend some quality time with yourself and find out what you really want.
Friends, if you don’t take care of yourself how are you going to enjoy this life, the only one we get? How are you going to love and take care of others? How are you going to fulfill God’s will or whatever spiritual or personal journey you’re on? So please, listen to your body, your heart. Give it what it wants, give yourself what you want because it just might be what you need.
I love you,
Happy Valentine’s Day